Forgotten Secret Writeup (dCTF 2021)
Type: Crypto
Difficulty: Medium
Prompt: Last month we hired a new junior DevOps Enginner to migrate all our services into containers. He was super hyped about Docker and in such a hurry, that he forgot about best practices. You want to use one of our images? Sure, no problem. Just download image file, run "docker load < image" and you are ready to go!
After extracting the file and analyzing we find 3 things:
1. SECRET_KEY=58703273357638792F423F4528482B4D6251655468566D597133743677397A24 from the file 7dabd7d32d701c6380d8e9f053d83d050569b063fbcf7ebc65e69404bed867a5.json
2. image\ee6ac2faa564229d89130079d3c24dcb016b6818c2a8f3901ad2a7de1fdb0faf\layer.tar\root\.ssh\id_rsa
3.cipher.bin from image\df6e2b0dba838bcc158171c209ae2c7b8aeec4a8638a2fa981abda520233a170\layer.tar\home\alice\cipher.bin
ssh-keygen -f id_rsa -e -m pem -p
# -f takes file as input
# -m convert to specified format here "PEM"
# -p used to get private key; if not specified it will return the public key
# -e to read a public/private key
so using -p asks for the old password turns out the SECRET_KEY was the old password
└─# ssh-keygen -f id_rsa -e -m pem -p
Enter old passphrase:
Key has comment 'root@kali'
Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved with the new passphrase.
It asks for a new passpharse… skip that
do cat id_rsa and we will have the “RSA private key” in it instead of the “SSH private key”
use the following command to get the flag :
openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey id_rsa -in cipher.bin -out flag